Implicit Bias training — Women's Infrastructure Network
WIN Awards Program

Implicit Bias Training: Application


Thank you to our generous WIN Awards’ sponsors and, especially, RBC Capital Markets and Catalyst for allowing us the opportunity to provide WIN members these training sessions.

Thank you to everyone who applied for the training session. We look forward to seeing you on November 29!

Applications closed

This application is for the in person and online training program, covering the topic, How to navigate implicit bias in the workplace, through the workshop offered by Catalyst.

Catalyst will provide a 3½-hour theoretical and practical workshop, Unconscious Bias to Inclusive Leadership. This workshop aims to explore the leading-edge research on why employees, managers, and leaders make the choices they do, what the consequences are to the business, and how actions they can take to be intentional and inclusive in their leadership style will create an inclusive workplace with improved innovation and team citizenship.

Key Outcomes for Participants

  • Reflect on the deeply embedded stereotyping and unconscious biases within all of us;
  • Learn why these biases are problematic for individuals and the organization;
  • Learn the inclusive leadership traits, skills, and behaviours that lead to greater innovation and employee engagement; and,
  • Commit to specific, intentional actions to become visible role models of inclusive leadership.


Please note that two sessions are currently planned to be offered in Toronto one of which will be held on November 29, 2019, at RBC’s Downtown Toronto office, while the other session will be offered in Winter 2020.

Additional offerings may be planned in other cities beginning Spring/Fall 2020 based on WIN members’ interest. Please let us know where and when you'd like addtional training sessions hosted by completing a short survey.

Each training session will be open to a maximum of 30 participants.


To express your interest in participating in one of the Toronto training sessions, please submit the following application. Include a detailed online profile with your application. Please note that submission of an application does not guarantee your participation to a session. All applications will be reviewed, however only selected applicants will be contacted to confirm their participation in the workshop session.

If you have questions, please contact us at

Applications closed