WIN Awards Program

Natalie Closs

2022 WIN Awards Outstanding Leader finalist


Natalie Closs

District Manager

2022 Outstanding Leader Award Finalist

Natalie Closs is a true pioneer in progressing the role of women to the very top of the construction industry, spending the majority of her 25-year career working for construction contractors on complex and challenging infrastructure projects across North America. After completing her engineering degree at the University of Waterloo, she started her career as a project engineer for a mechanical and electrical contractor. Since then, Natalie has worked her way up the industry ladder by using her problem solving attitude and strategic thinking skills to successfully execute numerous complex projects including major public-private partnership projects.

In 2020, Natalie was promoted to the position of District Manager for Graham’s Ontario infrastructure division, one of the busiest and most complex construction markets in Canada. In this role Natalie continues to build high performing teams, engage key stakeholders, and develop long-term partnerships to achieve the high standards required for the successful execution of construction projects. Natalie’s efforts significantly contribute to the ongoing success of Graham, the third largest construction contractor in Canada.

Natalie continues to champion opportunities for women to follow in her footsteps and succeed in the construction industry by mentoring, hiring and supporting the increasing number of talented young women who love construction.